The Concept of Concealment and its Effects on the Society in the light of Sunnah (A Subjective Study)

مفهوم الستر وآثاره على المجتمع في ضوء السنة النبوية (دراسة موضوعية)

  • Rafat Mansi Mohammad Nassar Associate Professor, Faculty of Uool ud Din, Department of Hadith & Its Sciences, Islamic University, Gaza Palestine
Keywords: Concept of Concealment, Effects on the Society, Sunnah


This research includes a selection of Hadiths from the Prophet’s Sunnah dealing with concealment (of disadvantages), the concept of concealment, how Islam preserves man’s honor, and is the forerunner in spreading virtue in the Muslim community. The research details the merits of those who conceal (disadvantages) for their Muslim brothers and their implications.


How to Cite
Rafat Mansi Mohammad Nassar 2021. The Concept of Concealment and its Effects on the Society in the light of Sunnah (A Subjective Study). Al-Idah . 39, - 1 (Jun. 2021), 1 - 14. DOI: